Court Support

To work with and support Indigenous families with children going through the children’s court system. We assist to make changes so that there is less likelihood that they will re-offend. Parenting, suitable schools, counselling, housing, other activities, health, budgets and a range of other supports are available. The support includes visiting homes, attending court and schools etc. We aim to liaise about child protection issues including working with the parents for reunification.

The eligibility criterion is specifically for Indigenous children and their families where a child has offended.

The program is funded by The Public Purposes Trust with support from supervised bail and the children’s court. Additional funding is currently pending.

This program provides the following services for clients:

  • Support and encouragement through the sometimes overwhelming and difficult process
  • Attend court hearings with clients and encourage attendance
  • Help with understanding the full requirement of supervised bail and when to report
  • Aid family members to understand the court process and requirements
  • Assistance with paperwork and forms
  • Provide family support reports for the court’s consideration
  • Liaise with solicitors and court officials and other juvenile correction agencies
  • Assist with school concerns and attendance
  • Provide information on programs and activities to help prevent reoffending


 If you require assistance please contact Jacaranda and ask for Beverley Quartermaine our Court Support Officer